Sunday Gathering | 10:15am (ish)

1405 E. Walnut St. | Evansville, IN 47714

This is our largest gathering, and what is typically known as the Sunday service. We are grateful for time together in conversation, singing/worship, teaching and communion. Donuts, coffee, and conversation preclude the beginning of our gatherings and we usually get started around 10:15am. For more information about our Sunday gathering and what to expect, click the link below.

Small Groups

Small groups are a space to be mentally, emotionally, and relationally present to others, God and self. We believe much formation, restoration, and growth in love happens as we meet together in these type of communities on a consistent basis. At Sojourn, we like to keep group sizes around 8 or so people—just enough to fit around a table.

We are relauching small groups this Fall. If you are interested in joining a new group or are just curious for more information, follow the link below to extend your interest and get connected.